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581 descriptions generated so far

Product Description Generator

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  • Hey sergiu, I saw your post on Reddit weeks ago and your site was really helpful to get @KardsAIApp off the ground. Recommended it’s ever since and will keep doing so.

    The Duck is Stuck
    The Duck is Stuck's testimonial for AI Directories
  • I think it's cheap where less than a week in to having the submissions complete traffic is up and back links are up

    Lilybank AI
    Lilybank AI's testimonial for AI Directories
  • The amount of work is pretty enormous! I used that list myself and discovered a lot of directories I didn't know, I strongly recommend it ;) Congrats on launch Sergiu!

    Dany's testimonial for AI Directories

Demo in 2 minutes

Hey Sergiu Thanks for helping get Faune listed on directories, your help had a direct positive impact on our downloads πŸ™

XYZ feedback for ZenVoice

Faune app

Latest Created Descriptions


In today's digital age, cyber security is more important than ever to protect your personal and sensitive information from cyber threats...

Massage oil candle

Introducing our luxurious Massage Oil Candle, a fragrant candle that transforms into a nourishing massage oil for a truly indulgent experience...

Pet Dog Cooling Mat

Introducing the Pet Dog Cooling Mat, the perfect solution to keep your furry friend cool and comfortable during hot summer days...


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Product description generator is a free tool that helps you craft descriptions for your AI Tool. It aims to improve your tool's visibility and make it easier for users to grasp what your product is all about. We definitely recommend using it before launching on AI Directories for a clearer presentation of your tool's features
  • The sweet spot for a product description is between 100 and 500 words. This range is optimal for delivering your message clearly and succinctly, making it easy for readers to quickly scan and grasp the key points

  • Yes, you can use your product description for meta descriptions, but aim to condense it to about 150-160 characters. This ensures it fits within the search engine snippet view, capturing the essence of your product for potential visitors efficiently.
  • Cool, contact us by email

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